Econ 5123: Microeconomic Theory

Description: This course provides an intensive treatment of modern microeconomic theory. Throughout, the course uses mathematical tools and analytic concepts. Its goal is to introduce first year graduate students to the basic models and theories that make up the extensive field of microeconomics. The course is subdivided into a total of 4 blocks. In each block the student is introduced to the main theories in a certain field in microeconomics. These fields are in order of appearance: consumer theory, producer theory, market theory and special topics in economics of information and uncertainty.

Econ 4223: Econometric Analysis

Description: This course provides an introduction to the practice of econometrics. It provides coverage of the most important techniques of econometric estimation and hypothesis testing, addressing the use of both cross-section and time series data. Econometrics is the combination of economics and statistics. It is a vital skill in any field where it is difficult to run controlled experiments. Economic theory can often provide highly useful qualitative conclusions, but for quantitative results econometric modeling is necessary. Modern computer packages make the mechanics of econometrics (the application of various econometric techniques to actual data) quite easy. This course focuses on helping students develop an understanding of what they are doing, so that they can use such packages intelligently. We will study regression analysis and discuss the econometric issues arising from the nature of typical economic data. Students will also be exposed to applied econometric issues through computer based homework assignments.

Econ 5313: Industrial Organization

Description: This course is designed to provide a rigorous background in the theory of Industrial Organization. It covers theoretical work (and a few empirical papers) related to the structure, behavior, and performance of firms and markets. Topics include the organization of the firm, monopoly, price discrimination, oligopoly, and auctions. The course will be based on readings from books and articles.

Econ 5033: Managerial Economics

Description: The course emphasizes applications of economic theory and techniques to business problems. The major topics to be covered include, quantitative demand analysis, consumer behavior, production and cost analysis, optimal output and pricing decisions in a variety of industry structures, strategic behavior in markets, contracting and negotiations, auctions, risk analysis and managerial incentives. Real world examples will be utilized to demonstrate the theoretical models developed in class.

Econ 5043: Managerial Economics AP

Description: The course emphasizes practical applications of economic theory to business problems. The major topics to be covered include strategic behavior in markets, bargaining and negotiations, risk analysis and managerial incentives, quantitative analysis, entry, exit and firm survival, auctions and competitive bidding.